Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Black is very beautiful for as far as you can see,
It is shared by others, all over the world just take a look at you and me.
Sometimes we often wonder, how can this old saying be true,
Well I'm here right now, bearing all kinds of gifts, with a message just for you.
Be proud that you are Black Men and Women, let your light shine bright and tall,
Having Strength, Courage, Love, and Peace, which are found within us all.
We have worked our way up Jacob's ladder, Caring our burdens with us as we climb,
With hopes of Equality, Education, and Freedom, so often we toed the line.
Many times our dreams are shattered and broken, Our skin battered and bruised with pain,
Take pride in who you are, as our Ancestors did, and never forgetting what they helped us to obtain.
Being Black does not represent disgrace or shame,
We are all unique which is part of the whole plan,
So Rise, Shine, and Take your place,
In God's eyes, We are equal throughout the land.
Pauline P. Williams
Copyright 1982

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